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T&E 4113 RW Flying Qualities Flight Testing I

Course Description

This course is offered once per year on-campus.  This course is designed to provide an intensive overview of the methods used to determine static stability of helicopters.  Subjects include the theory, regulatory requirements and flight test techniques involved in determining the longitudinal, maneuvering and lateral-directional, stability of helicopters.  Mechanical flight control systems, low airspeed stability and control, and closed loop handling qualities are also are taught.

Anticipated Course Learning Outcomes


  • Flight controls mechanical characteristics.
  • Fundamentals of helicopter equations of motion.
  • Helicopter trim systems.
  • Closed-loop handling qualities.
  • The applicable Mil and CFR/CS regulatory requirements.
  • Rotor system characteristics.


  • How to determine the critical azimuth in the low airspeed envelope.
  • How to determine the longitudinal static stability of a helicopter using the appropriate flight test techniques.
  • How to determine the maneuvering stability of a helicopter using the appropriate flight test techniques.
  • How to determine the lateral-directional static stability of a helicopter using the appropriate flight test techniques
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