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Our Facilities


Producing world-class Flight Test graduates requires world-class facilities. In-class sessions are held at the NTPS campus located at 1030 Flight Line, Mojave, CA at the Mojave Air and Space Port (MASP). The MASP has unique facilities, airspace, and climate well suited to accommodate the specialized needs of traditional and Space flight test activities. The NTPS Campus encompasses 5 NTPS buildings/hangars and 3 support contractor hangars/buildings.

The center of NTPS’ campus is NTPS Headquarters located in Building #72; a modern 20,000 square-foot classroom and laboratory building, which adjoins a 24,000 square-foot hangar. The NTPS HQ building contains five classrooms, a night vision technology lab, a modern telemetry room, eight simulation laboratories, a library, and a life support equipment room. There are two student/faculty lounges, a student recreation area, a racquetball court, and several locker rooms. The school has secure Wi-Fi coverage throughout the building. Seven additional hangars are utilized to support the school including ground laboratories, aircraft maintenance, and aircraft storage.

Mojave Air and Space Facilities

The flight test support facilities available to the National Test Pilot School at MASP are both diverse and unique, which enables NTPS to offer world-class professional flight test training for both civilian and military customers. A short list of these facilities are:

  1. Airport: Three runways 12,500 ft, 7,050 ft and 3946 ft in length. A modern control tower, fire station, and ambulance service are located on the airport and are manned by professionally trained personnel.
  2. Airspace: NTPS has a joint use agreement with Edwards AFB to use the Military Operating areas (MOA’s) and the Edwards restricted airspace.
  3. Tower Fly-by-Grid: A surveyed tower fly-by grid has been set up in the old Mojave Airport control tower for pitot static calibrations of aircraft. Mojave airport also has a waiver to the 250 kt limit below 10,000 ft when the fly-by-tower is in use by NTPS high speed aircraft.
  4. Ground Course: A ground course has been laid out on a range adjacent to Mojave airport for Pitot static calibration of slow aircraft.
  5. ADS-33 Course: Numerous ADS-33 course sites are permantely located around the airport.
  6. Tethered Hover: A tethered hover system laboratory is located on the airport to facilitate helicopter hover tests in and out of ground effect.
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