T&E 4103 FW Flying Qualities Flight Testing I

Course Description

This course is offered once per year on-campus and once per year distance learning.  The course is designed to provide an intensive overview of the methods used to make static stability determinations of aircraft.  Subjects include the theory, regulatory requirements and flight test techniques involved in determining the longitudinal, lateral-directional, maneuvering, and flight path stability of single and multi-engine aircraft.  Engine out testing of multi-engine aircraft is included along with a brief explanation of mechanical flight control systems and Mach effects on stability and control.

Anticipated Course Learning Outcomes

Be familiar with

  • · Aircraft trim systems.
  • · Mach effects on stability and control.


  • · Mechanical flight control systems.
  • · Regulatory requirements of each type of stability.
  • · The big picture of flying qualities evaluation.
  • · How to determine the engine-out capability of an aircraft.


  • · How to determine the longitudinal static stability of an aircraft.
  • · How to determine the maneuvering stability of an aircraft.
  • · How to determine the lateral-directional static stability of an aircraft.
  • · How to determine the flight path stability of an aircraft.
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