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Dr. AL Wins SETP Doolittle Award

  09 October 2020

On 25 September 2020, the Society of Experimental Test Pilots announced Dr. Allen L. (AL) Peterson as the recipient of the 2020 Doolittle Award. The James H. Doolittle award was established in 1966 to honor outstanding accomplishment in technical management or engineering achievement in aerospace technology by a member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots. An excerpt from the award of AL’s accomplishments as the President & CEO of the National Test Pilot School for the past decade reads: Dr. Peterson has envisioned and successfully directed initiatives leading NTPS to become the first test pilot school in the world to attain full EASA certification, WSCUC collegiate accreditation, and ISO 9001-2015 certification, thereby positioning NTPS for a successful long term future.  Furthermore, Dr. Peterson has integrated outreach to both our technical and local communities into the daily fiber of the school. In short, Dr. Peterson’s leadership and technical management skills have elevated NTPS… to the point where it can be truly called “The World’s Test Pilot School.”  Dr Peterson is a Master Army Aviator and Experiemntal Test Pilot with more than 5000 hours in 80+ aircraft, test pilot experience on over 80 flight test programs, a FAA RW/FW/NVG CFI, an EASA Flight Test Instructor, and a Fellow of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots. All here at NTPS congratulate AL for this well-deserved honor!

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