Distance Education

Distance Education Courses

Expand your expertise or boost professional development with National Test Pilot School through a variety of online course offerings.

NTPS Distance Education Courses were developed to tackle the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and are evolving to meet the needs of our students.
NTPS will continue offering Distance Education Courses to provide students and working professionals with the enhanced flexibility of taking courses from virtually anywhere in the world while still receiving a world-class education.

Distance Education Courses and in-person courses can be combined to complete a WASC-accredited Master’s Degree Program:

  • Master of Science in Flight Test Engineering (MSFTE)
  • Master of Science in Flight Test and Evaluation (MSFT&E).

The Distance Education Courses will be available in early 2025.

Or contact Student Services at:
National Test Pilot School
P.O Box 658
Mojave, CA  93502-0658
Phone: +1 (661) 824-2977
Fax: +1 (661) 824-2943
Email: Student Services at studentservices@ntps.edu

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