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Brown Named NTPS President

12 August 2021

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, NTPS President & CEO, Dr. Allen L. (AL) Peterson is pleased to announce that Mr. James E. (JB) Brown III has been selected as the next NTPS President effective 3 September 2021. As President, Mr. Brown will be responsible for ensuring NTPS meets all facets of its Mission and Strategic Goals.

JB joined NTPS in 2016 after retiring from Lockheed Martin where he served in a numerous flight test positions in the F-117 and F-22 programs including Chief Test Pilot. While at NTPS, he served in a variety of management positons including Vice President, COO, CFO, Head of Training, and Chief FW Test Pilot Instructor.  JB also spent a few thousand hours passing on flight test knowledge to students both in the classroom and in the air. 

JB is a Fellow and Past President of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, a Fellow in the Royal Aeronautical Society, and a member of Daedalians. He has a BS in Civil Engineering from VMI, a MS in Management from Troy State University, and is a graduate of USAF Test Pilot School class 86A.

Mr. Luca Campello will replace Brown as NTPS COO. Dr. Peterson will continue as the NTPS Chief Executive Officer focusing on Strategic Initiatives across the NTPS enterprise.



For More Information Contact:

Mr. Pat Garman at

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