T&E 4206 Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground Weapons Integration

Course Description

This course is offered once per year on-campus.  The course is designed to provide an overview of MIL-STD-1760D/E, Interface Standard for Aircraft/Store Electrical Interconnection Systems as the baseline for Weapons Integration.  Evaluation of Stores Management Systems (SMS) and Hazard Analysis considerations are covered.  Error budgeting and analysis are key elements in undertaking ballistics evaluations.

Anticipated Course Learning Outcomes

Be familiar with:

  • MIL-STD-1760D/E
  • Weapon to aircraft interface
  • Weapon templates and safety footprints
  • Air drop testing


  • Stores Management Systems
  • Error budgets
  • Weapons accuracy analysis


  • Air-to-air weapons evaluations techniques and considerations
  • Air-to-ground weapons evaluations techniques and considerations
  • Weapon evaluations hazard analysis considerations
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